Museum and Cataloging Project                      

I took Museum Informatics and Advanced Cataloging my second semester at GSLIS. Both classes required a final project, and since we were given free reign, I asked my professors if I could combine the projects into one large project.

In Museum Informatics we studied how technology can be used in the museum environment; one of the things we studied was museum websites. Since websites are often the first thing patrons see, they have to be user friendly. Therefore, I studied various museum websites and applied my knowledge to create my own. I explained the process in my write-up for the class.

In Basic Cataloging we learned how to catalog monographs. In Advanced Cataloging we learned how to catalog other materials (serials, e-resources, etc.). Since I have always had an interest in museums, I decided to learn how to catalog artifacts using CDWA (Categories for the Description of Works of Art). I catalogued the objects featured in my online "exhibit."

All my life I've been surrounded by birds. Not real ones but intricate carvings. My grandfather gave me a bird carving every year for my birthday, and as I have gotten older, I've come to love and appreciate his craftsmanship. When I was looking for something to exhibit, it seemed natural to create a museum exhibit of his carvings. It also gave me an opportunity to talk to him about his work. Also, since I knew about the carvings, I thought they would be easier to catalog.

I created a Site Contents page for the final projects that included the museum website I created for Museum Informatics, the full catalog for Advanced Cataloging, my bibliography, acknowledgments, the write-up explaining how I created the museum pages, pictures, etc.

The Museum of Cottage Industry

Created by Jenny Freed, 10-8-06